Friday, November 18, 2016

What Specific Benefits Can I Expect Using Natural Progesterone?

What Specific Benefits Can I Expect Using Natural Progesterone? -

Biological needs vary among individuals. However, common results of natural progesterone supplementation include less anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, hypertension, mood swings, night sweats, and hot flashes. Many women report increased vitality, sexual libido, and improved cell oxygen levels. According to recent studies, natural progesterone stimulates bone building, may also help dry skin conditions, wrinkling on the face, and brown age spots on the face and hands.
A considerable amount of research into progesterone has been done by Dr. Michael Schumacher of the Kremlin- Bicêtre hospital in Paris who cites a range of studies – much of it animal – showing that progesterone has beneficial effects on the breast tissue, on blood vessel function and in strengthening bone. Many of the benefits of progesterone, he says, comes from the fact that while estrogen stimulates cells, progesterone calms them down (Michael Schumacher, Rachida Guennoun, Abdel Ghoumari et al “Novel perspectives for progesterone in HRT, with special reference to the nervous system” Endocr Rev. 2007 Jun; 28(4):387-439).
Drawing on this work, Schumacher believes that progesterone might lower the risk for dementia since estrogen and progesterone combined have been shown to have a neuroprotective effect, unlike progestin’s which can reduce this protective effect.
Additionally, in the USA Dr. Schumacher’s claim that progesterone can protect blood vessels and cut down the risk of strokes has just been supported in two small trials at Texas University. Researchers gave a progesterone cream or a placebo to 30 post-menopausal women for eight weeks. Not only did the cream improve their symptoms but there was no rise in various markers in the blood that make strokes more likely, such as inflammation and a tendency to form clots. Kenna Stephenson, Pierre Neuenschwander et al “Transdermal progesterone: Effects on Menopausal Symptoms and on Thrombotic, Anticoagulant and inflammatory factors in post-menopausal women” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding Vol 12 No 4 July/August 2008.
Four head-to-head studies comparing Progesterone to non-bioidentical synthetic progestogen (progestin) reported that women experienced greater satisfaction, improved quality of life, and fewer side effects when switched from progestin to progesterone (Hargrove 1989); Montplaisir 2001; Lindenfeld 2002). The beneficial effects of progesterone, compared to non-bioidentical progestin, included a 30% reduction in sleep problems, 50% reduction in anxiety, 60% reduction in depression, 25% reduction in menstrual bleeding, 40% reduction in cognitive difficulties and 30% improvement in sexual function. Eighty percent of women in the study reported overall satisfaction with the bio-identical progesterone formulation (Fitzpatrick 2000).

Visit our website to learn more about our FemBasis Natural Progesterone Cream from Naturalibra.
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